


It is hard to believe that anyone can recall 2020 fondly. I won’t have believed it too, but here I am thinking back to how good it was last year in Ramazan. Really weird, isn’t it? Well, the reason I am nostalgic about Ramazan 2020 is because it was the first time in my adult life that I didn’t have to get up again after Sehri and go somewhere, spend part of the day out and come back exhausted in time for a short nap before Iftar. Despite the fear…

The year 2020 is going to stand out in the memories of all those who are old and sane enough to have memories right now. It’s a year that we will not forget for a long, long time, most likely never. And history will remember it for so many different things, most of them unpleasant. Twenty-twenty will also be called all kinds of names — the year of the great pandemic, the year of global lockdown, the year of online classes and work, the year the Olympic Games were postponed,…

On growing up, there are many things that youngsters learn to handle and take responsibility for. While some of these are adult things, such as doing a job, driving a car, cooking a meal, buying their own stuff and what not, there are other things that are helpful to learn how to do from a young age. Handling money is one of those things. I am sure most kids know what money is and what it is used for. They may have some of their own too, in the form…

All the medicines in the world are in some way derived from herbs and medicinal plants, and these have also been used from the beginning of time, so why not turn directly to natural cures for winter ailments Desperate situations call for desperate measures. And when can one be more desperate than situations when the doctor’s prescriptions have been tried time and again without success. Desperate, one tends to try out a few herbal remedies which mothers and grandmothers are always recommending. And, more often than not, one finds…

All it took was a single sentence by an Aussie and the confidence acquired after my almost lifelong association with English and a Masters degree in it, disappeared into thin air. Never having heard the Australian English accent before, for weeks after my arrival in Sydney, I could not understand most of the conversation taking place. My confusion was taken as a sign of my ignorance of the language. Everyone was patient with me and gave me sympathetic looks, making sure they spoke slowly and repeated themselves. Even after I…

The transition from a single working girl to a married working woman requires a lot of adjustments and an understanding mother-in-law The move over from being a single working girl to a married working woman initially seemed mighty tough. Soon after my engagement, all and sundry started asking me if I would keep on working after getting married, as if a girl only works to kill time before someone hitches her up. I have got to accept that I did wonder about my future hubby and in-laws having a problem…

Many things which make us mad don’t deserve the attention we give them, and the emotional and physical discomfort we put ourselves through on their account. So why think about things that are not in our control and lose sleep over them? Everyone seems to be under some sort of stress these days. And some people are spending more time talking about it, as if it is the latest fashion, than doing anything constructive to ward it off. Most people think that stress can only be taken care of…

Our soft skills are responsible for success in both our professional and personal lives and need to be nurtured from a young age There are some skills that will make students do well in studies and there are some skills that will make them do well in life. Schools and colleges generally focus on having a curriculum that makes students well equipped to land a good job. They nurture skills that are classified as ‘hard skills’, that are testable through exams and which include professional skills such as accountancy, medical…