Atlas of the Qur’an takes the readers to all the places, people and important events mentioned in the Holy Quran, “besides locating areas where the incidents of the prophetic Seerah occurred”. With the help of maps, pictures and illustrations, the Quranic message becomes clearer and more impactful.
A Thousand Splendid Suns is a not-to-be-missed novel — but only for readers ready to be moved, even heart-broken by the tale of two women brought together and bounded in love by their shared pain.
How you respond to emerging trends and exploit their potential is key to the success of your organisation.” The business world today is much more uncertain than it ever was before, which is why self-help books and management theorists are all so popular. And one such popular management gurus is Tom Peters, whose first book In Search of Excellence appeared way back in 1982, and is considered one of the best business books of all time. It made him famous and rich, but Tom Peters being Tom Peters, wanted more.…
Deciding which book to read can be really difficult, particularly if you have to choose one or a few from many in a bookshop. Friends are the best guides who tell you which books they enjoyed and which books you should stir clear of. But sometimes you may grow up to discover some real classics that you missed out on. The Puffin Good Reading Guide for Children tells you everything you wanted to know about books for children, but didn’t know whom to ask. The author, Ruskin Bond, himself…