


This koala mum and her joey were among the lucky ones rescued from the bush fires in Australia. (Photo: Darren/Jimboomba Police, via Facebook) A large area of the 1,700-square mile Kangaroo Island — lying southwest of Adelaide, off the mainland of South Australia — is protected as nature reserves that boasted a number of extremely rare and localised fauna and flora in Australia. But this was before bush fires consumed an estimated 600 square miles, or one third, of the island, according to NASA. According to official figures, the fires…

All it took was a single sentence by an Aussie and the confidence acquired after my almost lifelong association with English and a Masters degree in it, disappeared into thin air. Never having heard the Australian English accent before, for weeks after my arrival in Sydney, I could not understand most of the conversation taking place. My confusion was taken as a sign of my ignorance of the language. Everyone was patient with me and gave me sympathetic looks, making sure they spoke slowly and repeated themselves. Even after I…