Children, who are exposed to an onslaught of noise at home, in recreational activities and in their surroundings, are as much at risk of facing noise pollution as adults are in similar conditions.
Digital addiction is as bad as any other addiction and we need to put ourselves through a digital diet, plus an intake of healthy digital nutrition, to overcome this modern menace
The catastrophic 2019-2020 summer season in Australia is an apocalyptic warning of what climate change can do to other parts of the world. While structures can be rebuilt and fauna regrown, the loss of human and animal life is a tragedy beyond recovery Bush fires in Australia have been going on since September 2019 and there is no end in sight. As of January 8, 2020, 26 people were confirmed dead in the bush fires that burned more than 12 million acres, destroyed 5,900 buildings, with more than 2300 homes…
Record-breaking temperatures in 2019 had devastating effects on all regions and all living things. Here is a look at how the weather played havoc the whole year with devastating results. It is alarming that scientists and researchers don’t need to give us proof of climate change being real now — nature has done that, increasingly so in the last decade, particularly last year. In 2019, except for hardcore climate-change deniers such as politicians and business heads, everyone was concerned about the climatic events that affected them and countless others around…
Karachi during winter is at its best, though winter in Karachi isn’t the best you expect out of winter Winter in Karachi …. Okay, let’s start again. Winter in Karachi … how about Karachi during winter? Hmmmm … this sounds a lot better. Karachi during winter is at its best, though winter in Karachi isn’t the best you expect out of winter. Winter here is actually a short break — two-month-long if we are lucky — from humidity and heat; just about enough to give us some excuse…
All the medicines in the world are in some way derived from herbs and medicinal plants, and these have also been used from the beginning of time, so why not turn directly to natural cures for winter ailments Desperate situations call for desperate measures. And when can one be more desperate than situations when the doctor’s prescriptions have been tried time and again without success. Desperate, one tends to try out a few herbal remedies which mothers and grandmothers are always recommending. And, more often than not, one finds…
All it took was a single sentence by an Aussie and the confidence acquired after my almost lifelong association with English and a Masters degree in it, disappeared into thin air. Never having heard the Australian English accent before, for weeks after my arrival in Sydney, I could not understand most of the conversation taking place. My confusion was taken as a sign of my ignorance of the language. Everyone was patient with me and gave me sympathetic looks, making sure they spoke slowly and repeated themselves. Even after I…
Our soft skills are responsible for success in both our professional and personal lives and need to be nurtured from a young age There are some skills that will make students do well in studies and there are some skills that will make them do well in life. Schools and colleges generally focus on having a curriculum that makes students well equipped to land a good job. They nurture skills that are classified as ‘hard skills’, that are testable through exams and which include professional skills such as accountancy, medical…
Sometimes when dreams are about to come true, one is seized by the sudden fear that the reality may not be as beautiful as the dream itself. This was the fear I felt when we were about to arrive in Maldives, for I had been daydreaming of going to these islands for a long time. Looking back, I realise that dreams cannot do justice to a place as breathtaking as Maldives. We arrived early April one morning in Maldives. The plane started descending but as I could only see water,…
How you respond to emerging trends and exploit their potential is key to the success of your organisation.” The business world today is much more uncertain than it ever was before, which is why self-help books and management theorists are all so popular. And one such popular management gurus is Tom Peters, whose first book In Search of Excellence appeared way back in 1982, and is considered one of the best business books of all time. It made him famous and rich, but Tom Peters being Tom Peters, wanted more.…