What do I want my daughter to be and what do I need to become to inspire her? These are difficult, but important, questions that mothers need to have the answers to.
The one aspect of life that only mothers can teach their daughters best is how to react as a woman to different situations — most importantly, how not to take shit from anyone, especially a man.
Bas, bohat hogaya! This has to stop now, and it can only stop when swift punishment of the highest degree is given to these monsters who treat their women as trash and crush them ruthlessly. And each time it happens, many people are more interested in knowing what the woman did to drive the man to this brutality and then there are also justifications of the guy being a drug addict, or mentally unstable or a ‘girat-mand’ who was driven to it by a twisted sense of honour. NO WOMAN…
Some years ago when I joined a workout class at a health club, I was surprised to find a good number of middle-aged ladies enrolled in it too. Sure, they were interested in losing a few inches here and there, like everyone else, but they had been instructed by the doctors to exercise in order to manage the post-menopausal effects and disorders, such as joint pains. They are the lucky and enlightened few who realise that many of the physical problems they are going through is due to menopause…
The transition from a single working girl to a married working woman requires a lot of adjustments and an understanding mother-in-law The move over from being a single working girl to a married working woman initially seemed mighty tough. Soon after my engagement, all and sundry started asking me if I would keep on working after getting married, as if a girl only works to kill time before someone hitches her up. I have got to accept that I did wonder about my future hubby and in-laws having a problem…