Bas, bohat hogaya! This has to stop now, and it can only stop when swift punishment of the highest degree is given to these monsters who treat their women as trash and crush them ruthlessly.
And each time it happens, many people are more interested in knowing what the woman did to drive the man to this brutality and then there are also justifications of the guy being a drug addict, or mentally unstable or a ‘girat-mand’ who was driven to it by a twisted sense of honour.
Men reach this stage is because they have never been stopped each time they shouted or suppressed the women of their family. It starts with talking back to the mother, then suppressing the sister to harassing all women they see outside their homes. The women they marry is handed over as a piece of property to them, to do whatever they want with her and the daughter is not a human with any rights on her life’s decisions.
If only someone stops a man when he first shows indifference to a woman in his life.
If only a boy is not given preferential treatment in comparison to his sister.
If only a mother doesn’t always order her daughter around while the son sits and does nothing.
If only a witness reprimands a boy the first time he catcalls a girl passing by, or his friends rebuke him when makes a derogatory remark about any girl.
If only a man’s family, instead of feeling proud of his dominance, discourages him from shouting at his wife.
If only a man is reminded of his daughter’s full rights on her life when he forces her to marry without her consent.
If only these non-violent suppressive acts, though equally painful psychologically, are questioned, challenged and admonished by those close to him, a man would not become bold enough to get physically abusive and violent.
If only society doesn’t normalise predatory acts of men, women will not become preys.

Men, in most societies are, get away with everything just because, well, they are men. That’s the way they are. Women have to bear it. Women have to make it work in all relationships, and make compromises and sacrifices to suit the whims of men.
Men will be men, it is said. But for how long?
Hasn’t enough blood been shed, innocent lives lost and scars sustained, to warrant an end to these brutalities? How many more hashtags will it take for us to see at least one such monster get the punishment he deserves?
An arrest and a mugshot aren’t enough to become a deterrent for the monsters. All the infamy only makes a hero out of them. The stories stop being reported after the arrest, if ever the culprit is caught.
He usually waits it out until his lawyers find enough loopholes in the law or a judge willing enough to acquaint him in one court or the other. Few, usually those without money or influence, remain behind bars to face a punishment for their crime. No one gets to see what punishment he eventually gets, which is usually so pathetically ill-suited for the magnitude of the crime. The mentality and law in our land is strongly tilted towards men.
The worst part is that many seek refuge in religion when victim-blaming or defending toxic masculinity, ignoring that Islam is the only religion that gives women so much protection and rights. If only they followed Islam in its spirits, and gave the punishments prescribed, there would be no public square where a murder and rapist would not have been hung. And there would be fewer rapes and murders.
It is getting too much!