We all study in our own ways, but there are certain tips and tricks for success in exams that many students swear by. A smart student will always check out what experts and those with experience say, and see what works best for them.
There have been many superheroes since the pandemic hit the world. Among them are teachers who worked harder than ever at their job in a totally new ‘online’ setting, turned to new methods of teaching, overcome its challenges, and then stir their students through the unfamiliar world of online classes.
Listening is a natural process that we do without even making an effort, but careful listening is a skill that we need to learn.
Clinical psychologist Maria Moochala speaks about working with children who suffer from learning and behavioural disabilities, including dyslexia and offers insight into dealing with such issues
Photo: Stockvault THE realm of liberal arts, particularly humanities and social sciences, is experiencing a comeback of sorts. All universities and institutions of higher education worth their salt are now seeing an increase in enrolment in such disciplines. While the pursuit of vocational and professional degrees is still the main thrust of most students, the non-conformists among them who are more interested in getting an education for life and learning – and not just for getting a job – embrace humanities and social sciences. Even in A and O Levels,…